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WarCriminalsWatch Events - Archive

Date Title Venue City Type
11.08.2020 - 11.08.2020 Virtual "Festival of Hope" for Kings Bay Plowshares 7 - - Speaking Engagements
01.17.2021 - 01.17.2021 America's Torture Colony: 19 Years of Guantanamo... It Must Be Closed Now! Virtual - Speaking Engagements
01.21.2021 - 01.21.2021 Johns Hopkins University To Be Challenged On Its Nuclear Weapons Research - - Community Events
01.25.2021 - 01.25.2021 World Says NO to War on Yemen - - Organizing Events
02.07.2021 - 02.07.2021 Plowshares Activist Clare Grady's Remote "Festival of Hope" Before Reporting to Jail - - Community Events
02.14.2021 - 02.14.2021 Join the Anti-Drone Action Hancock Air Base Mattydale Community Events
03.06.2021 - 03.06.2021 The Mauritanian - Film Screening with Q&A Zoom - Community Events
04.05.2021 - 04.05.2021 Festival of Hope Virtual - Community Events
04.22.2021 - 04.22.2021 Stop Drone Warfare - Earth Day - Syracuse NY - - Community Events
07.17.2021 - 07.17.2021 NYC Support for Daniel Hale The High Line New York Speaking Engagements
09.26.2021 - 10.02.2021 Shut Down Creech Creech Air Force Base Indiana Springs Organizing Events
01.07.2022 - 01.25.2022 Mostly Remote Guantanamo Events - - Speaking Engagements
01.09.2022 - 01.09.2022 A conversation between Mansoor Adayfi and James Yee On-line - Speaking Engagements
01.11.2022 - 01.11.2022 20th Anniversary of Guantanamo Events Around the Country - - Community Events
01.11.2022 - 01.11.2022 Raleigh Vigil to Close Guantanamo The Federal Building Raleigh Community Events

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