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20th Anniversary of Guantanamo Events Around the Country
01.11.2022 - 01.11.2022 
Community Events


The White House in Washington  DC
What: Close Guantanamo Rally to Mark 20 Years
Who: Witness Against Torture (co-sponsored by many more)
When: Tuesday January 11 noon to 1 pm ET (gather at 11:30) 
Where: In front of the White House on Pennsylvania Ave.  Bring your orange jump suit and hood; we'll have more.  Omicron is currently spiking in DC, so we are not encouraging folks to come from out-of-town.  And we ask all who come to be vaccinated and wear a mask. We'll livestream the rally for everyone who can't be there.  We've cancelled our recent plans to gather afterwards in the spacious NY Ave Presbyterian Church sanctuary (to watch the afternoon virtual vigils online). 

Augusta, Maine
What: Vigil and walk to mark the 20th year since the opening of the Guantánamo Bay
Who: Pax Christi Maine
When: Tuesday, January 11 at noon ET
Where: We will vigil in front of the Augusta National Guard Armory, at the intersection of Route 202 and Armory Street, and then process to the Capitol.

Tiffin, Ohio
What: Close Guantanamo Rally: 20 years - Still No Justice
Who: Tiffin Area Pax Christi
When: Friday, January 7 from 3 to 4 pm ET
Where: Seneca County Courthouse, 103 E. Market St., Tiffin, OH 44883

Los Angeles, CA (2 events)
1. What: Annual Close Guantanamo Now Rally.  In-person & streamed. Speakers: Mohammad Tajsar, ACLU; Jim Lafferty, National Lawyers Guild; Carley Towne, Code Pink; Shane Que Hew, Out Against War; Shakeel Syed, American Muslims for Palestine; Estee Chandler, Jewish Voice for Peace.
Who: Interfaith Communities United for Justice and Peace (ICUJP), co-sponsored by WAT
When: Tuesday January 11 at noon PT
Where: Downtown Los Angeles Federal Building, 300 N. Los Angeles St. 90012 (in front)
2. What: Online panel discussion featuring film maker Philippe Diaz, Guantanamo Bar member Michael Rapkin, and Marcy Winograd of Code Pink
When: Tuesday Jan 11 at 5 pm PT

Orcas Island, Washington
What: Activists in a remote town on Orcas Island, a stones-throw from Canada, will witness in orange jump suits against the injustice of Guantanamo.  Watch the WAT Facebook page on J11 for photos of this and other local actions around the country!
When: Tuesday, January 11
Where: Eastsound WA, on the roadside, in synch with ferry arrival traffic, or at the main street intersection.

20th Anniversary 2 pm Virtual Rally
What: Disrupt, Confront, and Close Guantánamo This virtual rally is a call for all of us to disrupt and confront the status quo that has kept Guantánamo open and to imagine and chart a path toward finally ending and abolishing the prison and all that it represents.
Who: WAT, CCR 
When: Tuesday, January 11, at 2 pm ET

National Religious Campaign Against Torture Webinar
What: Guantanamo 20 Years on: A Religious Perspective
Hosted by The Episcopal Church and National Religious Campaign Against Torture 
Speakers: Dr. Shaun Casey, Georgetown University; The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry, Presiding Bishop and Primate, Episcopal Church; Matt Hawthorne, NRCAT
When: Tuesday, January 11, 3 pm ET

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