WCW Home War Criminals Watch Events Details - Virtual "Festival of Hope" for Kings Bay Plowshares 7

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Virtual "Festival of Hope" for Kings Bay Plowshares 7
11.08.2020 - 11.08.2020 16.00
Speaking Engagements


Where: Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook LIve

Watch on Zoom (RSVP here for the Zoom link), CODEPINK's YouTube channel or on the KingsBay Plowshares 7 Facebook page.

Please join us Sunday, November 8th at 4 PM for a Zoom "Festival of Hope" with the last four of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 defendants, Mark Colville, Clare Grady, Martha Hennessy, and Carmen Trotta, as they prepare to be sentenced by Federal Judge Lisa Godby Wood on November 12th and 13th for their nonviolent witness against nuclear weapons. The festival webinar will feature:

  • Kings Bay Plowshares 7 defendants
  • Diné/Navajo activist against nuclear colonialism Leona Morgan
  • Recently acquitted Resister to US warplanes at Shannon, Irish activist, Edward Horgan
  • Poor People's Campaign co-chair, Rev. Liz Theoharis
  • German activist Marion Kuepker, from Nonviolent Action Group for the Withdrawal of US Nuclear Weapons from Buchel AFB
  • Fordham University theology Prof. Jeannine Hill-Fletcher
  • Martha Hennessy doing a reading from her grandmother, Dorothy Day, on her 123rd birthday
  • International peace activist Kathy Kelly
  • OREPA activist Ralph Hutchison working on Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons
  • Detroit activist Lydia Wylie-Kellerman
  • Buddhist nun, Indigenous People's ally & anti-nuclear activist Jun-san Yasuda
  • Musicians: Tom Chapin and the Chapin Sisters
  • Rosie Newton
  • RSVP here to get the Zoom link and a reminder email on Sunday
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