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America's Torture Colony: 19 Years of Guantanamo... It Must Be Closed Now!
01.17.2021 - 01.17.2021 16.00 - 18.00
Virtual -
Speaking Engagements


Watch live on YouTube and FaceBook

Andy Worthington, British journalist and co-founder of Close Guantanamo, will be giving a virtual talk from London on the history and continuing horror of the Guantanamo detention camp. He will be joined by Shelby Sullivan-Bennis, lawyer for several Guantanamo prisoners and victims of U.S. drone strikes outside of war zones.

For years, Andy has joined us here in Washington DC, New York and other cities on the anniversary of the opening of the prison at Guantanamo in 2002. This year, due to the Covid19 pandemic, he will be speaking remotely.

Andy: "After four long and horrible years in which Donald Trump essentially sealed Guantanamo shut, the arrival in the White House of Joe Biden offers a glimmer of hope that prisoner releases will resume, and that there will be movement towards the eventual closure of the prison. However, as with Obama, it may well be a struggle to get the administration to prioritize the expenditure of political capital doing what is right and necessary."


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