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WarCriminalsWatch Events - Archive

Date Title Venue City Type
02.28.2009 - 02.28.2009 Separation of Powers in American Constitutionalism Yale University New Haven Speaking Engagements
03.10.2009 - 03.10.2009 John Yoo - Orange County Lawyers Chapter of Federalist Society. "Lincoln and Power Wars." McCormick & Schmick's Seafood Restaurant Irvine Speaking Engagements
03.17.2009 - 03.18.2009 A conversation with George W. Bush Telus Convention Centre Calgary Speaking Engagements
04.02.2009 - 04.02.2009 Now That We've Tortured: Violence, Morality And Politics After Bush The Institute for Religion & Culture Berkeley Speaking Engagements
04.18.2009 - 04.18.2009 Forum on National Security, Rule of Law & Torture: Torture Memos of John Yoo Chapman University Orange Community Events
04.19.2009 - 04.19.2009 David Swanson at Woodstock Community Center Woodstock Community Center Woodstock Community Events
04.20.2009 - 04.20.2009 Prosecuting the Bush Administration for War Crimes Albany Friends Meetinghouse Albany Community Events
04.20.2009 - 04.20.2009 Prosecuting the Bush Administration for War Crimes Berkshire Community College Pittsfield Community Events
04.21.2009 - 04.21.2009 Debate between John Yoo & Chapman U Law Professors - - Community Events
04.21.2009 - 04.21.2009 Accountability, Prosecution, and War Crimes - David Swanson and John Bonifaz Bangs Community Center Amherst Community Events
04.23.2009 - 04.23.2009 Public Gathering at the Spanish Consulate to the UN - - Community Events
04.27.2009 - 04.27.2009 Dinner Party with Condi Rice Stanford University Palo Alto Organizing Events
04.30.2009 - 04.30.2009 White House Action on Torture White House Washington Community Events
05.08.2009 - 05.08.2009 Karl Rove To Speak At West Texas A&M West Texas A & M Canyon, Speaking Engagements
05.09.2009 - 05.09.2009 Karl Rove To Speak At Texas Tech School of Law Texas Tech University School of Law Lubbock Speaking Engagements

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