WCW Home War Criminals Watch Events Details - Plowshares Activist Clare Grady's Remote "Festival of Hope" Before Reporting to Jail

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Plowshares Activist Clare Grady's Remote "Festival of Hope" Before Reporting to Jail
02.07.2021 - 02.07.2021 16.00
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On Sunday, February 7th, at 4 pm, ET, you are invited to join us for a virtual Festival of Hope for Clare Grady before she reports to Alderson Federal Prison in W. Virginia on February 10. Clare is the sixth of the Kings Bay Plowshares 7 to begin her sentence for her part in the nonviolent, symbolic disarming of Georgia's Trident omnicidal nuclear weapons. We do not have the link yet but will send it out and post it on the website next week.

There's great cause for global celebration as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons went into force on Jan. 22, 2021! Nuclear weapons are now and forever illegal! We need to revive a mass anti-nuclear global movement, like the 1980s (which succeeded in reducing from approximately 70,000 to 14,000 nukes), to demand that nations disarm the approximately 14,000 remaining nuclear weapons mostly held by the US and Russia, with seven other nations with lesser amounts. Read below for more on the treaty.

Clare has invited speakers for her virtual Festival who challenge different aspects of Rev. Dr. King's triplets, racism (white supremacy), materialism (global capitalism), and militarism (global military dominance).

Speakers include a Seneca leader working in western New York, Agnes Williams, and a Diné leader, Leona Morgan, from the Navajo Nation, working in New Mexico and Arizona to stop uranium production and dumping on their lands; Irish Parliamentarian, Clare Daly, a co-defendant in an Irish trial of civil resistance to US warplanes refueling at Shannon Airport; a taped greeting from Setsuko Thurlow, a Hiroshima survivor who has worked tirelessly to end nuclear weapons and been instrumental in the enactment of the Treaty on Prohibition to Nuclear Weapons that went into force last week; Professor Russell Rickford, Cornell University historian of the Black Freedom Struggle and the Black Radical Tradition and an organizer with the Democratic Socialists of America; Mark Colville of the Amistad Catholic Worker, helping organize a tent city for the newly evicted in New Haven, the last of the KBP7 codefendants to be sentenced later in February; Rev. Bill Wylie-Kellermann, Detroit theologian, author, nonviolent community activist, and civil resister to water shut-offs, will give a closing prayer.

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