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Organizing Events


Saturday, June 6th, 5:00-8:00 PM -
Emergency Protest/Speak-Out 
3rd & Arizona Sts. 
3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica
Join World Can't Wait, Libros Revolucion, LA Revolution Club, and many others for a speak out against the assassination of courageous and caring abortion provider,Doctor George Tiller.  Bring your signs, your voices, your outrage, and your determination to stand for abortion on demand and without apology along with people all across the country who are organizing hundreds of protests and vigils this week.


Date Title Venue City Type
10.24.2013 - 10.24.2013 Protest Drone Manufacture L-3 L-3 World Headquarters New York Organizing Events
05.23.2014 Not Another Broken Promise! Not Another Day in Guantanamo! Times Square New York Organizing Events
03.18.2015 - 03.21.2015 Spring Rising: An Antiwar Intervention in Washington DC - - Organizing Events
04.15.2015 - 04.15.2015 George Bush Keynotes McCormick Place Convention Center Chicago Organizing Events
07.24.2016 - 07.29.2016 Protest the War Party in Philadelphia! Philadelphia PA - Organizing Events
07.24.2016 - 07.24.2016 March for Clean Energy - Humanity & the Planet Come First! Philadelphia City Hall - Organizing Events
06.22.2018 - 06.22.2018 Informal Meeting After Petraeus Keynote @ Historians' Conference 18th Century Garden in Independence Park Philadelphia Organizing Events
03.30.2019 - 04.05.2019 Shut Down Creech! Creech Air Force Base Indiana Springs Organizing Events
01.30.2020 - 01.30.2020 Heading for Extinction and What the NYC Tech Sector Can Do Asian American Writers Workshop New York Organizing Events
01.25.2021 - 01.25.2021 World Says NO to War on Yemen - - Organizing Events
09.26.2021 - 10.02.2021 Shut Down Creech Creech Air Force Base Indiana Springs Organizing Events
03.26.2022 - 04.02.2022 Shut Down Creech - Stop Killer Drones Creech Air Force Base Indiana Springs Organizing Events
08.02.2022 - 08.02.2022 Resisting the War Industry on Campus Zoom - Organizing Events
10.15.2022 - 10.22.2022 Shut Down Creech! Creech Air Force Base Indiana Springs Organizing Events
04.15.2023 - 04.23.2023 Shut Down Drone Warfare! Holloman Air Force Base Alamogordo Organizing Events

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