On May 23rd of last year, President Obama again promised to close the detention facility at Guantanamo. His pledge came in response to the mass hunger strike by men protesting their indefinite detention and to the renewed, global condemnation of the prison. One year later, far too little has changed: few detained men have left the prison and hunger strikes and forced feeding continue.
Demonstrations will be taking place across the United States and the world to demand that President Obama and the US Congress end indefinite detention and close the detention facility at Guantanamo.
During his May 2013 speech, President Obama asked the American people: “Look at the current situation, where we are force-feeding detainees who are being held on a hunger strike . . . Is this who we are?” Sadly, as we face yet another broken promise, this is what the United States remains — a country that indefinitely detains and brutalize the men at Guantánamo.
The May 23rd Day of Action is being coordinated by Witness Against Torture in collaboration with Amnesty International, the National Religious Campaign Against Torture, Code Pink, the Center for Constitutional RIghts, Veterans for Peace, World Can’t Wait, Blue Lantern, the Torture Abolition and Survivor Support Coalition, CloseGitmo.net, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, and September 11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, among others.
National Rallies
New York City
Where: Times Square
When: May 23, 12:00 pm
World Can't Wait, Witness Against Torture, Blue Lantern Project
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/649277621821801/
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; World Can't Wait 866 973 4463
Albany, New York
Where: Townsend Park (bordered by Henry Johnson Blvd and Central Ave)
When: May 23, 12PM
Contact Linda LeTendre:
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Facebook event page:
Baltimore, Maryland
Contact Amy and Ted:
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Boston, Massachusetts
Where: Ramsey Park to Boston Commons
When: May 23, 10:30AM-1PM
Contact Chris Spicer:
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Facebook event page:
Chicago, Illinois
Chicago Coalition to Shut Down Guantanamo
Where: Water Tower Park
When: May 23 4:30PM
Contact Marie:
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facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/67175179952869
Cleveland, Ohio
Greater Cleveland Immigrant Support Network
Contact Don Bryant: don@immigrantsupportnetwork.org
Grand Rapids, MIchigan
Contact Deb VanPoolen:
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Hartford, Connecticut
Hartford Catholic Worker
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Honolulu, Hawaii
(World Can’t Wait)
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New Haven, Connecticut
Where: Federal Courthouse steps
When: May 23, 12PM
Contact Mark Colville:
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(203) 415-5896
Facebook event page:
Raleigh, North Carolina
Where: Terry Sanford Federal
New Bern Avenue and South Person ST
When: May 23, 12-1PM
Contact Beth Brockman:
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Facebook event page:
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
AmnestyUSA/OK/Group #238
Where: Penn Square Mall
1901 Northwest Expressway
When: May 23, 4:30-6PM
Contact John Walters:
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Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/687226338000733
Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts
Contact Nancy Talanian:
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San Francisco, California
World Can’t Wait, CloseGuantanamo.net
Powell & Market Streets BART Plaza
May 23: 4:30 - 6:30 pm
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Tiffin, Ohio
Project Peace, Tiffin Area Pax Christi, and People for Peace & Justice Sandusky County
Contact Josie Setzler:
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Toledo, Ohio
Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition (NWOPC)
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Tuscon, Arizona
Where: front of the Federal building on the corner of Congress and Granada
When: May 23, 4:45-5:45
Contact Dan Wilson:
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Washington, DC
NRCAT, Codepink, Amnesty International, Dorothy Day Catholic Worker
Where: The White House
When: May 23, 12PM
Contact Helen:
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Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/276981072482667/
Worcester, Massachusetts
Noon-1pm, Lincoln Square. Sponsored by Witness Against Torture and the Saints Francis & Therese Catholic Worker community.
Contact Mike Benedetti:
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Faceook event page:
International Rallies
London, England
(Guantanamo London Campaign
Where: Trafalgar Square
When: May 23 12-2PM UTC
This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Facebook event page:
Website: http://londonguantanamocampaign.blogspot.co.uk/2014/04/demonstration-not-another-day-in.html
Munich, Germany
Where: verschiedene öffentliche Plätze
When: May 23, 6PM UTC
Contact Anja Mayer:
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Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1426677574257104
Sydney, Australia
Film screening- The Road to Guantanamo with David Hicks and Rev. Graham Long.
Where: The Wayside Chapel, 29 Hughes St, Potts Point NSW 2011
When: 24th May at 2PM
Contact aloysia:
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Website: http://thejusticecampaign.org/?page_id=1877
Toronto, Canada
Free Omar Khadr Now campaign
Contact Afroze:
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Details about the local actions (including a toolkit by May 1) and other resources will be available soon.
For more on the Day of Action, go to https://www.facebook.com/events/269459176568114/ and www.witnesstorture.org.
Please email
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if you are planning or hoping to plan an action in your community.
Read the call to action in full: