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Organizing Events - Archive

Organizing Events


Saturday, June 6th, 5:00-8:00 PM -
Emergency Protest/Speak-Out 
3rd & Arizona Sts. 
3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica
Join World Can't Wait, Libros Revolucion, LA Revolution Club, and many others for a speak out against the assassination of courageous and caring abortion provider,Doctor George Tiller.  Bring your signs, your voices, your outrage, and your determination to stand for abortion on demand and without apology along with people all across the country who are organizing hundreds of protests and vigils this week.


Date Title Venue City Type
04.27.2009 - 04.27.2009 Dinner Party with Condi Rice Stanford University Palo Alto Organizing Events
05.18.2009 - 05.18.2009 Disbarring 12 Torture Lawyers - - Organizing Events
05.28.2009 - 05.28.2009 National Day of Protest Against US Torture - - Organizing Events
01.07.2010 - 01.07.2010 Bagram Prisoners Case in DC Court DC Court House Washington Organizing Events
01.11.2010 - 01.11.2010 Eighth Anniversary of Guantanamo Prison Day of Action in Washington, DC - - Organizing Events
01.15.2010 - 01.18.2010 Guantanamo Awareness Weekend - - Organizing Events
01.22.2010 - 01.22.2010 Anniversary of Executive Order Calling for Closure of Guantanamo - - Organizing Events
03.02.2010 - 03.02.2010 Bybee in Las Vegas NV - - Organizing Events
05.04.2010 - 05.04.2010 Student Anti-War Resistance - - Organizing Events
07.23.2010 - 07.25.2010 National Conference to Bring the Troops Home Now! Crowne Plaza Hotel Albany Organizing Events
08.01.2010 - 08.01.2010 Join the FAT (Fast Against Torture) - - Organizing Events
12.16.2010 - 12.16.2010 Take a Stand for Peace Lafayette Park Washington Organizing Events
01.11.2011 - 01.22.2011 Close Guantanamo! White House Washington Organizing Events
07.08.2011 - 07.08.2011 Condoleezza Rice at Lions Club Convention Washington State Convention Center Seattle Organizing Events
07.13.2011 - 07.13.2011 Rumsfeld at Chicago Panel Discussion and Luncheon The Ritz-Carlton Chicago Chicago Organizing Events

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