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Organizing Events


Saturday, June 6th, 5:00-8:00 PM -
Emergency Protest/Speak-Out 
3rd & Arizona Sts. 
3rd St. Promenade in Santa Monica
Join World Can't Wait, Libros Revolucion, LA Revolution Club, and many others for a speak out against the assassination of courageous and caring abortion provider,Doctor George Tiller.  Bring your signs, your voices, your outrage, and your determination to stand for abortion on demand and without apology along with people all across the country who are organizing hundreds of protests and vigils this week.


Date Title Venue City Type
07.18.2011 - 07.18.2011 Karl Rove at Heritage Foundation The Ritz Carlton St. Louis Organizing Events
07.18.2011 - 07.18.2011 Bolton at Christians United for Israel event Convention Center, Washington DC Washington DC Organizing Events
07.27.2011 - 07.27.2011 War Crimes and Other Violations of International Law Against Africans Harlem state Office Bldg Gallery New York Organizing Events
07.30.2011 - 07.30.2011 Karl Rove at FDCC Annual Meeting Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel Williamsburg Organizing Events
08.08.2011 - 08.08.2011 Card at Chambers to host luncheon Aug. 8 Valley Chamber of Commerce - Liberty Hall Kimberly Organizing Events
08.17.2011 - 08.17.2011 Why is Guantánamo Still Open? An event by the Center for Constitutional Rights Arts Auditorium New York City Organizing Events
09.09.2011 - 09.09.2011 Protest When Chertoff & Yoo Discuss Civil Liberties After 9/11 New York Law School New York Organizing Events
09.13.2011 - 09.13.2011 Condoleezza Rice at Taleo World 2011 Hilton San Francisco San Francisco Organizing Events
09.13.2011 - 09.13.2011 Protest Cheney at Rodman & Renshaw Annual Global Investment Conference Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Organizing Events
09.22.2011 - 09.22.2011 Protest When Gates get the Liberty Medal National Constitution Center Philadelphia Organizing Events
09.29.2011 - 09.29.2011 Protest John Ashcroft New York Marriott Marquis New York City Organizing Events
01.02.2012 - 01.12.2012 Hungering for Justice in Washington DC - - Organizing Events
01.08.2012 - 01.08.2012 An Evening of Dance & Discussion 3-D Laboratories New York Organizing Events
10.16.2012 - 10.16.2012 Protest Outside Presidential Debate Hofstra University Hempstead Organizing Events
10.08.2013 - 10.08.2013 Protest Petraeus at USC on Afghan War Anniversary University of Southern California Entrance #3 - Organizing Events

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