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James R. Browning Courthouse - Archive

95 7th St.
San Francisco
Date Title Venue City Type
05.28.2009 - 05.28.2009 Impeach Bybee Action James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
07.14.2009 - 07.14.2009 Protest Torture Judge Jay Bybee in San Francisco! James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
08.13.2009 - 08.13.2009 Rally & Speak-Out to Impeach, Disbar & Prosecute Bybee James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
10.08.2009 - 10.08.2009 No Reward for Torture James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
12.15.2009 - 12.15.2009 Fill the Court Room in Jeppesen DataPlan Case James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
03.10.2010 - 03.10.2010 Confront War Criminal Jay Bybee James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
06.14.2010 - 06.16.2010 Bybee Sitting in SF Court James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Speaking Engagements
06.14.2010 - 06.14.2010 Oral Arguments on Yoo's Appeal Begin Mon. 6/14 James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Speaking Engagements
06.17.2010 - 06.17.2010 Protest Torture Judges: Impeach & Prosecute Jay Bybee James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
07.15.2010 - 07.15.2010 Protest Federal Court's Torture Judge Bybee in San Francisco! James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
01.11.2011 - 01.11.2011 Close Guantanamo with Justice, Now! James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
03.22.2011 - 03.22.2011 Protest Bybee at Courthouse James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
01.20.2012 - 01.20.2012 Occupy the 9th Circuit Court When Torture Judge Bybee Hears 2 Cases James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events
07.20.2012 - 07.20.2012 Protest Judge Bybee James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events

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