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Impeach Bybee Action
05.28.2009 - 05.28.2009 13.00
James R. Browning Courthouse - San Francisco
Community Events


In San Francisco the Thursday, May 28th action will focus on Jay Bybee, who with his
part in crafting the torture operations, has been much in the news lately.   To
reward his service to the torture program, Bush appointed him to the Ninth Circuit
Court of Appeals.  We are holding a nonviolent protest action at the new James L.
Browning Courthouse  (the Ninth Circuit Court sits there). This will be the first major demonstration focused on Bybee
since May 12, when he was hearing cases in Honolulu, and WCW led a 50-person
demonstration calling for the impeachment and prosecution of this Torture Judge
(which received major press coverage).

Now it's our turn.  We will line the sidewalk with visual representations: orange
jumpsuits, photos, signs, people.  The infamous dog-leash is a technique literally
approved of in Bybee's torture memo, and we'll make that point.  There may be some
delivery of people's arrest warrants; perhaps some of the victims of the torture
will attempt to speak out about Bybee's war crimes.  We'll also hear from lawyers
bringing proceedings against Bybee, human rights groups, and other anti-war and
anti-torture voices.   We want a serious and clear message to come across, and have
the different strands of movements and people standing up against the torture state
to be well-represented.  [NOTE: Although the court is not in session that day, we
will be both demonstrating on the National Day AND announcing that this is only the
first of many times Bybee will meet protest whenever he sits on the bench or
otherwise speaks in public.]

So will you support and take part in this SF part of the National Day of Resistance
to U.S. Torture?  Save the date - take off work or school to be there by 1:00 PM.

PLANNING MEETING:  Come to the planning meeting, this Sunday, 12:00 noon - 1:00 PM.
Call, or email the WCW office for location details.

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James R. Browning Courthouse
95 7th St.
San Francisco
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