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Protest Petraeus at USC on Afghan War Anniversary
10.08.2013 - 10.08.2013 17.00
University of Southern California Entrance #3 -
Organizing Events




"After cancelling a speaking event on Oct. 8, one day after the announcement of the ANSWER Coalition & March Forward! protest, the USC Veterans Association has announced Gen. Petraeus will be present at a veterans' conference they are hosting on Oct. 8. Let's keep up the pressure on this war criminal, on the 12th year anniversary of the war he once commanded!

The protest, led by Iraq & Afghanistan war veterans, will begin when Gen. Petraeus is scheduled to speak at the event, at the USC entrance where event participants have been told to enter and park.

Gen. Petraeus is a known perpetrator of many war crimes, directly responsible for the death and torture of countless civilians.

Despite his status under international law as a war criminal, he was recently hired by City University of New York and as a "veterans' advisor" at USC. On September 19, CUNY students peacefully protested his appointment and were assaulted and arrested by the NYPD. Six of those students now face outrageous charges of disorderly conduct, rioting and more.

Now Petraeus is coming to Los Angeles to continue making huge cash honorariums instead of facing trial. Join us for a picket outside the event to say:

JAIL for war criminals!
Militarism OUT of our schools and communities!
Drop all charges against the CUNY 6!
U.S. OUT of Afghanistan & everywhere NOW!

Initiated by ANSWER LA and March Forward!

Just a few reasons in a long list of crimes

Petraeus set-up and commanded notorious “black sites” around the world used to conduct illegal torture on “suspected terrorists,” who have no legal protection whatsoever.

Petraeus commanded the “surge” in Iraq. The goal of the surge was to cause as much death and destruction in Iraq as possible to make it appear as though the U.S. military won the wildly unpopular war. Thousands of U.S. soldiers and innocent Iraqis died as a result of this PR stunt.

During the surge in Iraq, Gen. Petraeus covered-up flagrant war crimes by U.S. defense contractors, including the murder of Iraqis. Army Colonel Ted Westhusing, who killed himself in 2005 for his role in these war crimes, wrote in his suicide note that Petraeus facilitated a mission based on "corruption, human rights abuses and lies." 

As commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Petraeus promoted civil war in Afghan villages (considered a war crime under international law) as a strategy to control the population. Tens of thousands of job-hungry Afghans were given money and guns to form militias and shoot and kill other members of their village who are asserted to be either pro-Taliban or opposed to the U.S./NATO occupation.

There is evidence that Petraeus, as commander in Afghanistan, oversaw the intentional bombing of funerals and civilian rescuers with drones (known as the “double-tap” method) which constitutes a war crime according to The International Criminal Court. There are also instances where Petraeus used this tactic as CIA director.

As CIA director, Petraeus proposed and facilitated the massive expansion of the CIA drone fleet, greatly increasing their use in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and North Africa.  "


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