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# Article Title Hits
741 8-3-15 Eight top ex-CIA officials launch bid to rebut 'torture report' 3428
742 7-30-15 How the American Psychological Assn. lost its way 3360
743 7-26-15 Our Psychological Crisis: Making Sense of the American Psychological Association's Collusion with Torture 3041
744 7-22-15 The U.S. Aids and Abets War Crimes in the Philippines 3131
745 7-13-15 “No Cause for Action”: Revisiting the Ethics Case of Dr. John Leso 3333
746 7-13-15 Psychologists for Social Responsibility Responds to Hoffman Report about APA 3357
747 7-11-15 APA ethics independent review: medical professionals and torture 3669
748 7-11-15 US torture doctors could face charges after report alleges post-9/11 'collusion' 4810
749 7-10-15 U.S. Justice Department Must Investigate American Psychological Association’s Role in U.S. Torture Program 3061
750 7-8-15 Dick Cheney Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes: Former International Court of Justice Judge 3592
751 7-6-15 Tariq Ba Odah's Eight-Year Hunger Strike at Guantanamo Bay 3438
752 7-2-15 Torture in Our Own Backyard: Chicago’s Story, America’s Dilemma 3608
753 6-29-15 International Terrorists Discovered at Work in the US 2974
754 6-26-14 Yemeni Heritage, Saudi Vandalism 3608
755 6-24-15 “No Boots on the Ground” and Other Fairy Tales 3208
756 6-24-15 After 13 Years of Hell, Human Held Without Charges Has One Question for US 4648
757 6-12-15 No Apology, No Accountability for Drone Deaths, but People are Taking the Targeted Killers to Court 3252
758 6-12-15 Sending "advisors"...we know what that means 3083
759 6-4-15 Where Have All the Mem0bers Gone? The American Psychological Association loses another distinguished psychologist. 3248
760 6-4-15 Former US Attorney General Files Brief in Federal Lawsuit Challenging Legality of Iraq War 3269
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