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# Article Title Hits
621 8-16-16 Close Guantanamo Never... or Expand It? 3369
622 8-12-16 Government Fears Chelsea Manning Disclosures May Lead to Indictments for War Crimes 3090
623 8-11-16 President Obama’s Protocols For Deciding Whether To Kill You: A Grand Illusion Of Due Process And The Rule of Law 3107
624 8-9-16 Three Years Later, Under Court Order, Obama Administration Releases Redacted Drone Strike "Playbook" 3133
625 8-5-16 Greenland Melt Could Expose Hazardous Cold War Waste 3481
626 7-29-16 Hillary Clinton and Her Hawks 3799
627 7-27-16 The Fear of Hillary’s Foreign Policy 3491
628 7-19-16 The Damage Clinton Has Done 3728
629 7/13/16 Hillary Clinton Already Has Destructive Legacy in Latin America 3561
630 7/18/16 Muhammadi Davliatov Released From Guantanamo Bay 3573
631 7-13-16 Leaked Data Reveals How The U.S Trains Vast Numbers of Foreign Soldiers and Police With Little Oversight 3699
632 7-9-16 Going on Offense: Obama’s New Afghan War Policy Begins to Take Shape 3371
633 7-8-16 Chilcot: What Can We Learn From a Report That Ignores Iraqis? 3763
634 7-8-16 Demand a Truthful Accounting of Drone Strikes 3449
635 7-6-16 Chilcot Report: How Tony Blair Sold the War 3365
636 6-29-16 Bikini Islanders Still Deal With Fallout of US Nuclear Tests, 70 Years Later 3399
637 6-28-16 The Militarization of America. Non-Military Federal Spending on Guns and Ammunition 2932
638 6-28-16 Obama's AFRICOM Nominee Will Seek Authority to Assassinate 3612
639 6-28-16 Chilean Ex-Soldier Found Liable For 1973 Death of Singer Victor Jara 3235
640 6-27-16 Yemeni Freed from Guantánamo in Montenegro; 29 Cleared Prisoners Remain 3297
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