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... he spoke to Daniel Pye about covering the aftermath of the Khmer Rouge, Henry Kissinger’s recent comments downplaying the US bombing of Cambodia and new plans to send Australian refugees to the Kingdom. ...
From: The National Security Archive Washington, DC, October 1, 2014 – Secretary of State Henry Kissinger ordered a series of secret contingency plans that included airstrikes and mining of Cuban harbors ...
... in power, those like Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger who had sold their souls, and the banality of the human condition that could tolerate repeated injustices and massacres. He often delved deeply ...
By Debra Sweet   Apparent United States policy on beheadings: If “brutal” enemies do the beheading, start bombing whole regions, as Henry Kissinger said on Sunday, and respond disproportionately, ...
... threat from the USSR than from the U.S. Enter Henry Kissinger, who visited Beijing in 1971 to arrange the precedent-breaking visit by President Richard Nixon the next year. What followed was some highly ...
46. 4-25-14 Kissinger Protest Outside NYC's Central Synagogue
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More than a dozen activists gathered outside NYC's Central Synagogue when the oldest US war criminal, Henry Kissinger, spoke there on April 24. We placed ourselves and our posters directly in front of ...
47. 3-31-14 Protesting the “Elder Statesman” War Criminal Henry Kissinger
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From the Chicago Chapter of World Can't Wait Henry Kissinger, one of the top war criminals in the world, was invited to Chicago to give the keynote address at a March 20th fundraising dinner for the ...
By Susannah York From Revolution | Original Article The Blood Telegram—Nixon, Kissinger and a Forgotten Genocide (Alfred Knopf, 2013) by Princeton University professor Gary J. Bass unearths the sinister ...
By David Corn From Mother Jones | Original Article World Economic Forum/Wikimedia Commons Only a few months ago, Henry Kissinger was dancing with Stephen Colbert in a funny bit on the latter's ...
... with Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and President Richard Nixon, Brussels, June 26, 1974 - NATO Handout/CNP/Corbis   To explain the rapid shifting of the war on terror from attacking the enemy ...
Henry Kissinger, 1975 (Wikimedia Commons) A Declassified Dossier on HAK’s Controversial Historical Legacy, on His 100th Birthday Archive Posts Revealing Records of Kissinger’s Role ...
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