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... his forthcoming book titled The End of the Myth: From the Frontier to the Border Wall in the Mind of America. His previous books include Kissinger’s Shadow: The Long Reach of America’s Most Controversial ...
By Alastair Tancred From Daily Mail | Original Article Kissinger, 94, warned that North Korean  denuclearization was vital He said that relations with Kim Jong-un's country have reached a key ...
By Nika Knight, From Common Dreams | Original Article Former secretary of state Henry Kissinger was infamously awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his role in the Vietnam ...
By Daniel Kovalik CounterPunch | Original Article Quite revealingly, the self-proclaimed crusader against genocide, Samantha Power, was awarded the 2016 Henry A. Kissinger Prize in Berlin.   That ...
By Greg Grandin From The Nation | Original Article Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter shakes Dr. Henry Kissinger's hand during an award ceremony at the Pentagon on May 9, 2016. (DoD photo by ...
... supported such use was Henry Kissinger. Former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara told my students that he believes that 3.8 million Vietnamese died in the war. Thus, the war was truly horrific and ...
27. 11-16-15 Protest When Kissinger Spoke at Westchester Community College
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From lohud | Original Article Watch video of protest at bottom of page here. VALHALLA In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger painted a dark portrait of the ...
... photograph of an unlikely duo: Samantha Power, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, and former national security adviser and secretary of state Henry Kissinger at the Yankees-Red Sox season opener. ...
By Greg Gandin From TomDispatch.com | Original Article The only person Henry Kissinger flattered more than President Richard Nixon was Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran. In the early 1970s, ...
From Democracy Now | Original Article   Four decades after Henry Kissinger left office, his influence on the national security state can still be widely felt, as the United States engages in ...
... authority” just quoted and at a time when top U.S. officials -- Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Henry Kissinger, among others -- were urging him to proceed with his nuclear programs and pressuring universities ...
This is an excellent resource for anyone researching Henry Kissinger's war crimes.  Lots of links to further information can be accessed by going to the original article. From The National Security ...
... “which side are YOU on?”  By fall 1969, Nixon and Henry Kissinger were huddled in the White House contemplating the use of nukes on the people of Vietnam, while hundreds of thousands of us protested ...
... . . . The Pol Pot leadership of the Khmer Rouge can in no way be exonerated from responsibility for committing genocide against their own people. But neither can Nixon or Kissinger escape judgement ...
By Omar Aziz From Salon | Original Article 4-17-15 Henry Kissinger (Credit: Reuters/Ria Novosti) Ex-government officials have always occupied a particular sweet spot for members the Ivy ...
... how disreputable or immoral or even criminal one’s actions, the elite academy has been all too willing to embrace even the most dubious of former officials. So it was that last Friday night, Henry Kissinger spoke ...
... not be tolerated by the US business class. Henry Kissinger was national security advisor and one of the principal architects – perhaps the principal architect – of the coup in Chile. US-instigated coups ...
38. 1-29-15 CodePink Tries to Arrest Kissinger for War Crimes
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... Committee hearing with former Secretaries of State Henry Kissinger, Madeleine Albright, and George Shultz. Senator John McCain, Chair of the Committee, has the protesters ...
... ruled Chile, Nixon and Kissinger, of course, having brought about changes in the election process through propaganda and money and influence, and then, finally, participating, I think, in the coup that ...
... his own, and so do I. BOB SHIEFFER: So you’re talking about a massive response? Not hitting one target but hitting as many as possible. HENRY KISSINGER: I think when an American is murdered ...
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