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WarCriminalsWatch Events - Archive

Date Title Venue City Type
08.30.2011 - 08.30.2011 Visit Dept. of Justice in DC with Cheney's Memoir - - Community Events
08.30.2011 - 08.30.2011 Protest Cheney at the Today Show! The Today Show New York Community Events
09.05.2011 - 09.05.2011 Chertoff at Chatham House Chatham House London Speaking Engagements
09.07.2011 - 09.07.2011 Protest When Cheney Speaks at Nixon Library Nixon Library Yorba Linda Community Events
09.08.2011 - 09.08.2011 Protest War Criminal Donald Rumsfeld in NYC Carnegie Hall New York City Community Events
09.08.2011 - 09.08.2011 Special Offer: Guantanamo Lawyers & Another Life Gerald W. Lynch Theater New York Speaking Engagements
09.08.2011 - 09.08.2011 Protesting John Yoo at American Enterprise Institute Talk University Club - NYC New York City Community Events
09.08.2011 - 09.08.2011 Bolton at Nashua Area Republican City Committee Crowne Plaza Hotel Nashua Nashua Speaking Engagements
09.08.2011 - 09.08.2011 Rumsfeld at the 92nd St. Y Kaufmann Concert Hall New York Speaking Engagements
09.08.2011 - 09.08.2011 Protest Mukasey at the 92nd St. Y Kaufmann Concert Hall New York Speaking Engagements
09.09.2011 - 09.11.2011 Another Life (Play) Gerald W. Lynch Theater New York Community Events
09.09.2011 - 09.09.2011 Protest When Chertoff & Yoo Discuss Civil Liberties After 9/11 New York Law School New York Organizing Events
09.09.2011 - 09.09.2011 Protest Cheney at Wohlstetter Conference Center Wohlstetter Conference Center, 12th floor AEI Washington Community Events
09.09.2011 - 09.09.2011 I Do Not Resign Myself - an installation Puffin Foundation Teaneck Community Events
09.11.2011 - 09.11.2011 Our Grief Is Not a Cry for War! City Hall Park New York Community Events

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