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WarCriminalsWatch Events - Archive

Date Title Venue City Type
06.23.2011 - 06.23.2011 Condoleezza Rice Speaks Mandalay Bay Resort & Convention Center Las Vegas Speaking Engagements
06.23.2011 - 06.23.2011 Condoleezza Rice Speaks Morongo Casino Resort & Space Cabazon Speaking Engagements
06.28.2011 - 06.28.2011 Gen. Michael Hayden Speaks in NYC - - Speaking Engagements
07.04.2011 - 07.04.2011 Condoleezza Rice at Reagan Centennial - London Grosvenor Square London Speaking Engagements
07.08.2011 - 07.08.2011 Condoleezza Rice at Lions Club Convention Washington State Convention Center Seattle Organizing Events
07.12.2011 - 07.12.2011 Powell at Get Motivated Business Seminar Blue Cross Arena - War Memorial Rochester Speaking Engagements
07.12.2011 - 07.12.2011 McChrystal at Get Motivated Business Seminar Blue Cross Arena - War Memorial Rochester Speaking Engagements
07.13.2011 - 07.13.2011 Rumsfeld at Chicago Panel Discussion and Luncheon The Ritz-Carlton Chicago Chicago Organizing Events
07.14.2011 - 07.14.2011 Rumsfeld Speaks Hilton Omaha Omaha Speaking Engagements
07.18.2011 - 07.18.2011 Karl Rove at Heritage Foundation The Ritz Carlton St. Louis Organizing Events
07.18.2011 - 07.18.2011 Bolton at Christians United for Israel event Convention Center, Washington DC Washington DC Organizing Events
07.26.2011 - 07.26.2011 Ambassador Le Hoai Trung at Church Center for the United Nations Church Center for the United Nations New York Speaking Engagements
07.27.2011 - 07.27.2011 War Crimes and Other Violations of International Law Against Africans Harlem state Office Bldg Gallery New York Organizing Events
07.30.2011 - 07.30.2011 Karl Rove at FDCC Annual Meeting Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel Williamsburg Organizing Events
08.02.2011 - 08.02.2011 Rice at AUW West Coast BBQ lunch event Stanford University Palo Alto Speaking Engagements

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