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WarCriminalsWatch Events - Archive

Date Title Venue City Type
10.14.2010 - 10.14.2010 Berkeley Forum on Torture and the Law, Torture and Human Rights - - Speaking Engagements
10.15.2010 - 10.15.2010 CLE credit class for attorneys - - Speaking Engagements
10.15.2010 - 10.15.2010 Panel on Psychologists and Torture Booth Auditorium, Berkeley Berkeley Speaking Engagements
10.15.2010 - 10.15.2010 “Reckoning with Torture - An Evening of Conscience” Booth Auditorium, Berkeley Berkeley Speaking Engagements
10.18.2010 - 10.18.2010 Condi Rice Presents Her Memoir Intercontinental Mark Hopkins Hotel San Francisco Speaking Engagements
10.18.2010 - 10.18.2010 Extraordinary Hubris: Condoleezza Rice in San Francisco Intercontinental Mark Hopkins Hotel San Francisco Speaking Engagements
10.18.2010 - 10.18.2010 "A Question of Torture" Panel John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements
10.19.2010 - 10.19.2010 Screening of "Taxi to the Dark Side" John Jay College New York Community Events
10.19.2010 - 10.19.2010 US Violations of International Law: Evidence that US is Breaking Int. Law Brooklyn Law School Brooklyn Speaking Engagements
10.20.2010 - 10.20.2010 Stop the Crimes of Our Government: A Discussion of Collateral Murder & Targeted Assasinaton Webcast on / Live in NYC - Speaking Engagements
10.21.2010 - 10.21.2010 "Torture and Gender" Panel John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements
10.23.2010 - 10.23.2010 War Profiteers, Stop the Wars! March US Post Office Greenwich Community Events
10.25.2010 - 10.25.2010 Condoleeza Rice in Los Angeles Millennium Biltmore Hotel Los Angeles Community Events
10.25.2010 - 10.25.2010 Condoleeza Rice in Conversation with KPCC's Patt Morrison Saban Theatre Beverly Hills Community Events
10.28.2010 - 10.28.2010 Yoo Controversial at Ohio University - - Speaking Engagements

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