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War Profiteers, Stop the Wars! March
10.23.2010 - 10.23.2010 12.30
US Post Office - Greenwich
Community Events


After starting at the US Post Office in downtown Greenwich, it will proceed through the downtown and then to the neighborhood of Stephen R. Loranger, Chairman, President and CEO of ITT Corporation.

ITT makes bomb and missile releases for drones used in Afghanistan and Pakistan, among a variety of military hardware.

Mr. Loranger was paid $14 million in 2009 and this year lobbied through the Aerospace Industry Association for continued funding for the wars in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq.  ITT is among the top 10 Pentagon contractors and spent $ 2.5 million lobbying Congress in 2009 - 2010 (to date). ITT has contributed about $223,000 to House and Senate candidates so far in the 2010 elections.

We will be taking our anti-war message to the neighborhood of Mr. Loranger to emphasize that war is coming daily to homes in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, that Mr. Loranger's style of living is related to war profits and that Mr. Loranger and his military contractor colleagues possibly have a more powerful voice in war decisions than members of Congress.

This may be the first protest to draw attention to the political role of war profiteers in the wars that began 10 years ago with the invasion of Afghanistan, and we hope people from throughout metropolitan Connecticut and -New York will join the march.

We will be calling on Mr. Loranger to begin lobbying for an immediate withdrawal of all US forces from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, and we will be urging investors to divest themselves of ITT Corporation stock.

 The walk from downtown Greenwich to Mr. Loranger's neighborhood is approximately three miles round-trip.

The Greenwich police have been notified of the march and have no objection to it; no permit is required.  The march will be held rain or shine.

The march is endorsed by: WESPAC Foundation, NoWarWeschester, Code Pink Westchester, World Can’t Wait, Peace Action New York, Peace Action Greenwich/Stamford, Middle East Crisis Committee (CT), Concerned Families of Westchester, Rockland Coalition for Peace and Justice, Orange County (NY) Democratic Alliance and Women in Black Westchester.



US Post Office
Arch Street and Greenwich Avenue
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