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Community Events - Archive

Community Events
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Date Title Venue City Type
09.17.2009 - 09.17.2009 Protest Condoleeza Rice The Fairmont San Jose San Jose Community Events
09.17.2009 - 09.17.2009 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
09.19.2009 - 09.19.2009 Rally for Truth & Accountability John Pershing Elementary School Dallas Community Events
09.22.2009 - 09.22.2009 Demand Full Accountabilty for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
09.22.2009 - 09.22.2009 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
09.23.2009 - 09.23.2009 SF Bay Area Day of Action and Art Against Torture! - - Community Events
09.24.2009 - 09.24.2009 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
09.29.2009 - 09.29.2009 Demand Full Accountabilty for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
09.29.2009 - 09.29.2009 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
10.02.2009 - 10.03.2009 Who Decides About War Conference Georgetown School of Law Washington Community Events
10.04.2009 - 10.04.2009 Noam Chomsky to Speak at Rally Against War Crimes Stanford University Palo Alto Community Events
10.05.2009 - 10.05.2009 Protest Wars on Anniversary of Attack on Afghanistan White House Washington Community Events
10.06.2009 - 10.06.2009 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
10.07.2009 - 10.07.2009 Come to a Wedding! Grand Central Station New York Community Events
10.08.2009 - 10.08.2009 No Reward for Torture James R. Browning Courthouse San Francisco Community Events

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