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Protest Condoleeza Rice
09.17.2009 - 09.17.2009 09.30 - 11.30
The Fairmont San Jose - San Jose
Community Events


Protest Condi when she speaks on "Effective Leadership and Global Democracy".   Join World Can't Wait and others this Thursday morning.
We especially hope that friends in, and near, the South Bay and the Mid-Peninsula can join us, to speak out about the torture and other war crimes of the Bush/Cheney regime in which Rice was such an instrumental player.  Rice shouldn't be teaching at Stanford.  She should be facing prosecution for war crimes and crimes against humanity!

Rice is a featured speaker at a conference, "SAP World Tour 2009."  SAP's agenda
says:  "Effective Leadership and Global Diplomacy . . . Condoleeza Rice provides a
sweeping look at global affairs during her tenure as secretary of state and national
security advisor. She shares compelling stories of her experiences, which illuminate
the interrelationship of global events and leaders."

"Compelling stories?" "The interrelationship of global events and leaders?" 
What wise words, what "illumination," can we expect from a Bush/Cheney official who
continues to say that any enhanced interrogation technique including waterboarding
is by definition not torture, and therefore not illegal, if it is authorized by the
President?  For this and more, when Rice was caught on videotape being challenged by
students last spring, click here.

Come out to the San Jose Fairmont this Thursday and speak your mind.  Be prepared to
give a clear message, including to the conference go-ers as well as the press, with
clear signs, jumpsuits and other visuals.

For more info, and to carpool from San Francisco (Mission District hook-up) please
reply to this email with "San Jose Thursday" in the subject line.  Or phone
415-864-5153 and leave a message.  We have a limited number of carpool seats still

CHANGED PLANS!  NOTE: This event is planned instead of our previously announced San Francisco demonstration against Torture Judge Bybee at the 9th Circuit Court.  World Can't Wait has decided to bypass Bybee this week.  He himself will not be on the bench this time around in SF, while word of this Condoleeza Rice appearance in San Jose came in unexpectedly.


The Fairmont San Jose
170 South Market Street
San Jose
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