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Community Events
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Date Title Venue City Type
10.13.2009 - 10.13.2009 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
10.13.2009 - 10.13.2009 Reckoning with Torture: Memos & Testimonies from the "War on Terror" The Great Hall at Cooper Union New York Community Events
10.19.2009 - 10.19.2009 Radio Free Fahad: No Guantanamos at Home or Abroad Metropolitan Correctional Center New York Community Events
10.20.2009 - 10.20.2009 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
10.22.2009 - 10.22.2009 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
10.26.2009 - 10.26.2009 Radio Free Fahad: No Guantanamos at Home or Abroad Metropolitan Correctional Center New York Community Events
10.27.2009 - 10.27.2009 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
10.29.2009 - 10.29.2009 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
11.02.2009 - 11.02.2009 Radio Free Fahad: No Guantanamos at Home or Abroad Metropolitan Correctional Center New York Community Events
11.03.2009 - 11.03.2009 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
11.06.2009 - 11.06.2009 Maine Anti-War Rally Monument Square Portland Community Events
11.07.2009 - 11.07.2009 An Afternoon with British Journalist Andy Worthington The Art Club New York Community Events
11.09.2009 - 11.09.2009 Radio Free Fahad: No Guantanamos at Home or Abroad Metropolitan Correctional Center New York Community Events
11.10.2009 - 11.10.2009 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
11.10.2009 - 11.10.2009 Premiere Screening of "Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo" North Berkeley Senior Center Berkeley Community Events

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