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Community Events - Archive

Community Events
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Date Title Venue City Type
10.18.2012 - 10.18.2012 Obama &l Romney at Al Smith Dinner Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Community Events
01.10.2013 - 01.10.2013 Protest When John Yoo Speaks on Panel Boalt Hall Berkeley Community Events
01.11.2013 - 01.11.2013 Join us in Washington DC to help close Guantanamo! - - Community Events
01.21.2013 - 01.21.2013 Protest at the Inauguration Parade in Washington DC - - Community Events
02.09.2013 - 02.09.2013 Protest US Killer Drones CIA Headquarters Langley Community Events
02.17.2013 - 02.17.2013 Stop the Crimes Against the Planet! No Keystone XL Pipeline! National Mall Washington Community Events
03.09.2013 - 03.09.2013 Opening Reception for "Not About Bombs" - - Community Events
03.18.2013 - 03.18.2013 10 Years Later: Still Shocked, Not Awed Busboys and Poets Washington Community Events
03.19.2013 - 03.19.2013 Afghanistan Protest Case Court Support Highland Town Court Highland Falls Community Events
03.19.2013 - 03.19.2013 Confront NYC’s #1 Merchant of Death L-3 World Headquarters New York Community Events
04.01.2013 - 04.01.2013 Protest When Condoleezza Rice Speaks Nourse Theatre San Francisco Community Events
04.03.2013 - 04.03.2013 I did NOT vote for Obama's Prison Camps... Getty Mansion San Francisco Community Events
04.04.2013 - 04.28.2013 National Anti-Drone Days of Action - - Community Events
04.11.2013 - 04.11.2013 National Day of Action to Support Guantánamo Hunger Strike - - Community Events
04.22.2013 - 04.26.2013 The People's Response to the George W. Bush Library and Insititute Several locations Dallas Community Events

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