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Confront NYC’s #1 Merchant of Death
03.19.2013 - 03.19.2013 16.00 - 18.00
L-3 World Headquarters - New York
Community Events


L-3 Communications is one of the U.S. largest military contractors, and one of the largest suppliers of drone technology, and "national security solutions."  "L-3 is clearly a go-to company for carrying out some of the U.S.'s most extreme tactics in the 'War on Terror.'" The drones have been used in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Serbia, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, and Somalia, among other countries. They are licensed to sell to Egypt, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and UAE.  L-3 also gained notoriety for having provided translators at Abu Ghraib prison. See more here.

On this 10th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, protest L-3's role in drone production. Inform others in the building--and neighboring ones--of its role in killing and torturing.  Plans include leafleting, vigil, drone model, picketing, signs and banners, informing other tenants,  and a demand for eviction from NYC.

Other major tenants of 600 Third Ave--Court TV, Sumitomo Corp., Loral Space & Communication, Jaffe & Asher, New Zealand UN Mission, Austria UN Mission--need to know what their neighbors are doing!

March 19th is the 10th Anniversary of the War in Iraq and the "War of Terror" unleashed on the world!

The US global "war on terror," is changing. The US occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan, costing in excess of $3 trillion, are being wound down, replaced with targeted killing, indefinite detention, and so-called "black" (secret) or special operations.  The prediction of  Dick Cheney, that the war of terror would be a war to last generations, without respect to sovereign borders, is now led by the Democratic Party.

President Obama has used drones in targeted killing against more than 4,000 people.  Many of those killed are non-combatants, and none were indicted or tried for crimes. See more here. As Teju Cole recently wrote in The New Yorker:  "The White House, the C.I.A., and the Joint Special Operations Command have so far killed large numbers of people. Because of the secret nature of the strikes, the precise number is unknown, but estimates range from a several hundred to over three thousand. These killings have happened without any attempt to arrest or detain their targets, and beyond the reach of any legal oversight. Many of the dead are women and children. Among the men, it is impossible to say how many are terrorists, how many are militants, and how many are simply, to use the administration’s obscene designation, 'young men of military age.'"  See more here on recent Justice Department flip flops on the use of drones on American soil.

Sponsored by NYC War Resisters League, World Can`t Wait, Brooklyn For Peace, Vets for Peace, Granny Peace Brigade, and Brooklyn Greens.


L-3 World Headquarters   -   Website
600 Third Avenue (bet. 39th & 40th Streets)
New York
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