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National Anti-Drone Days of Action
04.04.2013 - 04.28.2013 
Community Events


April Days of Action Against U.S. Drone Warfare & Surveillance

Stop the Drones

There are many events posted across the country in cities small and large. Find/organize an event.

From Debra Sweet:

I am looking forward to seeing hundreds of people in Syracuse NY this weekend, as we confer on the US Drone war, and protest at Hancock Air Force Base, part of the military's drone basing program. More info at upstatedroneaction.org.

See my
interview on Rochester Indymedia.

Read/view photos from actions from this past month around the country.

There are more actions this week.
Find a protest near you.

links to the upcoming actions and
the report page
using hashtags: #AprilDays and #Drones.

TUCSON: Dawn protest at Raytheon on Tax Day.

GAINESVILLE: In "Pin the Drones," UF students in the Plaza of the Americas were challenged to find a country that the U.S. had not invaded bombed, or occupied within the last 10 years. This proved a difficult task.

CHICAGO: April 6 Street theater protests Boeing's newest killer drone.

Spread the word!
Anti-drones activists will be tweeting throughout the month, using the hashtags
#aprildays and #nodrones. Every TUESDAY there will be an intensive focus on promoting the April actions in cities across the country. Please follow and retweet these accounts as part of the weekly #nodrones campaign. Read more: nodronesnetwork.blogspot.com

Facebook page for Stop the Drone Killing Grassroots Network

More resources: articles on the Covert Drone War on worldcantwait.net

Watch Glenn Greenwald discussing drone killings by US on the Huffington Post and read his article Domestic Drones and Their Unique Dangers


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