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The Culprits
Suspected War Criminals
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# Article Title
1 Abrams, Elliot
2 Addington, David
3 Ashcroft, John
4 Bellinger III, John B.
5 Biden, Joseph Robinette Jr.
6 Blinken, Antony
7 Bolton, John R.
8 Bremer, Paul
9 Brennan, John Owen
10 Bush, George W
11 Bybee, Jay S.
12 Card Jr., Andrew H.
13 Cheney, Richard
14 Chertoff, Michael
15 Feith, Douglas
16 Franks, General Tommy Ray
17 Fredman, Jonathan M.
18 Gates, Robert M.
19 Gonzales, Alberto R.
20 Hadley, Stephen John
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