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# Article Title Hits
341 6-3-10 Flotilla Passengers Huwaida Arraf of Free Gaza Movement and Retired Army Col. Ann Wright Respond to Israeli Claims on Deadly Assault 3663
342 5-11-10 Seymour Hersh Describes "Battlefield Executions" in Afghanistan 3936
343 5-21-10 Kandahar Death Squads, Afghanistan 4041
344 5-14-10 Radio Interview with Ray McGovern on Crimes Are Crimes Ad 3825
345 2-1-10 Report on Justice Dept. Bybee/Yoo Memo 3950
346 1-12-10 Tales from Guantanamo: Reunion of Guard & Detainees 4096
347 12-13-09 Jeppesen Dataplan and CIA Rendition 4083
348 12-10-09 Countdown w/Olbermann: Nuremberg Revisited - Yoo & Obama 4040
349 12-02-09 The Human Cost of Guantanamo 4194
350 11-2-09 Justice Denied: Voices from Guantanamo 4361
351 10-30-09 New documentary on Condi Rice to be released 7599
352 10-15-09 "Tortured Law" Video 4455
353 10-14-09 "Law & Order" Season Premiere Videos 4293
354 9-7-09 The Witness to Guantanamo Project: In-Depth Filmed Interviews of Former Guantanamo Detainees 3981
355 9-8-09 Video "After Guantanamo" 4577
356 9-4-09 Video "Duty vs. Conscience" 4367
357 Jesse Ventura on Waterboarding (Video) 4580
358 Video of Cheney on "Face the Nation" 5/10/09 4631
359 5-5-09 Prosecute the War Criminals 4671
360 2-13-09 Blackwater: Global Threat 5186
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