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# Article Title Hits
221 1-31-14 "Dirty Wars" - full video 4058
222 12-14-13 Cindy Sheehan & Debra Sweet on Obama & Guantanamo 3878
223 12-09-13 Seymour Hersh: Obama "Cherry-Picked" Intelligence on Syrian Chemical Attack to Justify U.S. Strike 3861
224 11-7-13 War Crimes in Afghanistan? 10 Bodies of Abducted Villagers Found Outside U.S. Special Forces Base 3879
225 11-7-13 Report: Military Doctors Designed, Enabled U.S. Torture of Prisoners at Guantánamo, Secret Prisons 3919
226 11-4-13 "Wounds of Waziristan": Exclusive Broadcast of New Film on Pakistanis Haunted by U.S. Drone War 4157
227 11-3-13 Lesley Stahl: the Majority of Men at Guantanamo Have Not Committed “Dastardly Deeds” 4136
228 10-25-13 A Drone Warrior’s Torment: Ex-Air Force Pilot Brandon Bryant on His Trauma from Remote Killing 4199
229 10-16-13 Documents Reveal NSA’s Extensive Involvement In Targeted Killing Program 4050
230 9-11-13 Opposition to Military Attack on Syria Press Conference 4270
231 8-29-13 Please Pay Close Attention 4293
232 8-22-13 Obama DOJ Wants Immunity For War Criminals 4213
233 8-22-13 Release Bradley Manning, Whistleblower 4245
234 8-22-13 Bradley Manning: "Sometimes You Have to Pay a Heavy Price to Live in a Free Society" 4163
235 8-7-13 BBC Documentary: The Iraq War Regime Change 4917
236 7-31-13 n the Verdict Against Bradley Manning: He was Right to Blow the Whistle on War Crimes 4179
237 7-22-13 Daniel Ellsberg: I was Bradley Manning. Two whistleblowers, two wars 4392
238 7-22-13 Cornel West: Obama’s Response to Trayvon Martin Case Belies Failure to Challenge "New Jim Crow" 4245
239 7-8-13 Live from the Bradley Manning Trial with Alexa O'Brien 4836
240 6-30-13 Former NSA, CIA director: "The United States does conduct espionage" 5089
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