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141 4-12-17 Trump Is Moving "Full Speed Ahead" in War in Yemen, Despite Massive Civilian Casualties 3996
142 3-30-17 U.S. Boycotts U.N. Talks on Nuclear Ban While Spending Trillions to Modernize Nuclear Arsenal 3312
143 3-30-17 Iona Craig on What Really Happened When U.S. Navy SEALs Stormed a Yemeni Village, Killing Dozens 3098
144 3-30-17 Yemen: Trump Expands U.S. Military Role in Saudi War as Yemenis Brace for Famine 3294
145 3-27-17 More Than 1,000 Civilians Reportedly Killed by U.S.-Led Airstrikes as Trump Expands War on Terror 3275
146 3-26-17 Trump’s War on Terror Has Quickly Become as Barbaric and Savage as He Promised 3572
147 3-1-17 Trump’s Use of Navy SEAL’s Wife Highlights All the Key Ingredients of U.S. War Propaganda 3474
148 1-24-17 Trump's Fascist Administration 3355
149 1-12-17 Did Trump's Defense Secretary Nominee James Mattis Commit War Crimes in Iraq? 3915
150 11-21-16 Jeremy Scahill: TigerSwan Security, Linked to Blackwater, Now Coordinates Intel for Dakota Access 4472
151 11-21-16 Neocons, War Criminals & White Nationalists: Jeremy Scahill on Trump's Incoming Advisers & Cabinet 5346
152 11-14-16 ‘War crimes of torture’: ICC prosecutor signals charges against US armed forces, CIA 4101
153 10-17-16 Finally Free: ‘Guantánamo Diary’ Author Released After 14 Years Without Charge 4023
154 10-13-16 Journalist James Risen: CIA Torture Methods Caused Long-Term Psychological Harm to Former Prisoners 3597
155 10-11-16 Obama Is Killing Yemen: A Yemeni Journalist Speaks Out After U.S.-Backed Bombing Strikes Funeral 3479
156 09-26-16 Lawyer for Gitmo Prisoners Released to Uruguay: They Haven't Seen Their Families in 15 Years 3570
157 9-26-16 Freed Gitmo Prisoner Jihad Abu Wa'el Dhiab Speaks as Pres. Candidates to Debate Terrorism 3802
158 9-2-16 Ray McGovern: The Inside Scoop on the Middle East & Israel 3462
159 8-31-16 Glenn Greenwald: Obama Has Bombed 7 Nations, But Clinton Claims He Has Not Been Militaristic Enough 3495
160 7-8-16 Instead of Closing Guantanamo, The US Invests in Expansion 3842
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