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# Article Title Hits
1701 7-2-10 'This Is Worse Than Guantanamo' 3657
1702 7-1-10 Memories of “Collateral Murder” - by Someone who was There 3637
1703 7-1-10 Michael Hastings of Rolling Stone on the Story that Brought Down Gen. McChrystal 3884
1704 7-1-10 Why McChrystal Did It 4221
1705 7-1-10 The Runaway General 5491
1706 7-1-10 Counterinsurgency Down for the Count in Afghanistan 8625
1707 7-1-10 Tonight They Try to Escalate the War 5052
1708 6-25-10 Obama Backs Down from July 2011 Drawdown in Afghanistan 4170
1709 6-25-10 “Americans Don’t Flinch” – They Duck 3814
1710 6-24-10 Obama Misses the Afghan Exit Ramp 3975
1711 6-23-10 The US Supreme Court has put international humanitarian workers on notice 5264
1712 6-23-10 Termination Notice: McChrystal Sideshow Masks Murderous Reality 8563
1713 6-21-10 Are Napolitano's Mass Spying Powers a Greater Threat to Civil Liberties Than Under Bush? 5155
1714 6-18-10 The strange and consequential case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks 5005
1715 6-17-10 Contract from America Outpaced and Exposed 4070
1716 6-16-10 Obama Was Created by Our Failure to Impeach Bush 3520
1717 6-15-10 Obama’s Capitalist Drilling + Oil Spilling = Planet Killing! 3618
1718 6-15-10 Secret Prisons and Torture to Continue under Obama 4154
1719 6-15-10 The Curveball of Karl Rove 5025
1720 6-13-10 U.S. Identifies Vast Mineral Riches in Afghanistan 3886
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