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# Article Title Hits
1661 8-18-10 Other countries probing Bush-era torture — Why aren't we? 5217
1662 8-16-10 Soldier Who Found Rocket Launcher at WikiLeaks Scene Says No Attack Was Being Planned 6266
1663 8-16-10 McChrystal to Teach Course at Yale 8404
1664 8-15-10 How Truth Can Save Lives 5613
1665 8-13-10 Shilling for War on Iran 5150
1666 8-13-10 Judges Reject Interrogation Evidence in Guantanamo Cases 4519
1667 8-10-10 Trial of "Child Soldier" Opens at Guantanamo 4300
1668 8-4-10 New Evidence About Prisoners Held in Secret CIA Prisons in Poland and Romania 6486
1669 8-4-10 The US isn't leaving Iraq, it's rebranding the occupation 5161
1670 8-6-10 CIA flight carried secret from Gitmo 4155
1671 8-3-10 Julian Assange Responds to Increasing US Government Attacks on WikiLeaks 3765
1672 8-1-10 U.S. detains, questions, security researcher associated with Wikileaks 4675
1673 8-3-10 Rights Groups File Lawsuit To Allow Challenge To Targeted Killing Without Due Process 4072
1674 8-1-10 Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran 3804
1675 7-29-10 The Danger of the Wikileaks' Leak 3574
1676 7-30-10 Bradley Manning, suspected source of Wikileaks documents, raged on his Facebook page 3517
1677 7-29-10 Obama Administration In Danger Of Establishing "New Normal" With Worst Bush-Era Policies, Says ACLU 4066
1678 7-29-10 On Friday U.S. Conducts Afghan massacre - On Tuesday Congress Votes to fund more death 3393
1679 7-28-10 WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange: "Transparent Government Tends to Produce Just Government" 3733
1680 7-26-10 Pentagon Launches ‘Manhunt’ for Document Leaker 3457
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