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# Article Title Hits
1601 12-4-10 Assange Accuser Worked with US-Funded, CIA-Tied Anti-Castro Group 6570
1602 12-2-10 Nigeria To File Charges Against Dick Cheney Over Bribery 6354
1603 12-1-10 Controversial Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding" 6836
1604 11-30-10 Cablegate Raises Question: How Does an Empire Dominate? 4197
1605 11-18-10 Obama to give George Bush, Sr. the presidential Medal of Freedom 4208
1606 11-18-10 Evidence of Iran Nuclear Weapons Program May Be Fraudulent 4064
1607 11-18-10 Defend Julian Assange and Wikileaks 3566
1608 11-16-10 Bush At Large 4186
1609 11-16-10 Why George W Should Still Worry 3820
1610 11-11-10 Nadler: 'Shameful' For Holder To Ignore Bush Waterboarding Admission 3908
1611 11-9-10 Special Prosecutor Declines to File Criminal Charges Over Destruction of CIA Torture Tapes 5011
1612 11-9-10 Obama officials moving away from 2011 Afghan date 4309
1613 11-9-10 Afghanistan debate ... what debate? 4958
1614 11-8-10 Former CIA Acting General Counsel John Rizzo Speaks at Harvard Law School 5635
1615 11-8-10 Espana Invertebrada Will Put Judge Garzon in the Dock 5612
1616 11-6-10 No Appetite for Prosecution: In Memoir, Bush Admits He Authorized the Use of Torture, But No One Cares 4253
1617 11-5-10 "Ecocide': The Fifth War Crime 4002
1618 11-3-10 A Content Man 4592
1619 11-4-10 Bush says in memoir he approved waterboarding 3767
1620 11-1-10 Targeted Killings and the Al-Aulaqi Case 3685
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