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DescriptionHe's been referred to as a master political strategist and now he's coming to West Texas A&M University. Karl Rove is scheduled to speak at WT's Spring Commencement Exercises. WT's President, Dr. Patrick O'Brien calls Rove a passionate advocate for his positions and the architect of two successful presidential campaigns. At the same time, O'Brien says in a press release that Rove coming will not be without controversy. Karl Rove can be a sore subject with a lot of people. Rove has spent a majority of his career as a political consultant and played a big role in the Bush Administration. According to one student, the student body has been told Rove will be speaking about the importance of community service. "So whether he's pushing his political agenda or not I think he's a great person. I disagree with Obama but I would respect him coming and pushing community service. So i think it's great that he's coming," says WT Senior Sharee Lamphere. This will not cost WT too much cash. They're basically paying for Roves trip from Austin to Canyon. The next day he'll be speaking in Lubbock at the Texas Tech School of Law. We asked twenty-two people at WT if they even knew who Karl Rove is, only two of them said they did. Rove will speak Friday May 8th at the First United Bank Center in Canyon. If you'd like to go it's free. Rove takes the stage at seven. Venue
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