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Protest Henry Kissinger!
04.24.2014 - 04.24.2014 17.30
Central Synagogue - New York
Community Events


Join us outside the Synagogue when Henry Kissinger speaks in the Main Sanctuary in a conversation with Rabbi Rubenstein.  Kissinger will "share his candid perspective on Israel, current challenges in the Middle East, and his more than 60 years as a policymaker and trusted advisor in matters of foreign affairs."  For further information from Central Synagogue, click here.

The protest is being sponsored by War Criminals Watch/World Can't Wait, East Timor Action Network, NY War Resisters League, Brooklyn For Peace, Veterans For Peace NYC Chapter 34, School of Americas Watch, Justice First Foundation, Inc., Campaign for Peace and Democracy, Jews Against Genocide and Tikkun Magazine: A quarterly Jewish and Interfaith Critique of Politics, Culture and Society.

Visit the Facebook event page here.


Kissinger developed the plans for millions of war deaths, millions of refugees, millions maimed. He was responsible for the crimes against humanity in VietNam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Chile and many other countries, including Iraq.

For a good sense of Kissinger, read his conversation with Richard Nixon on April 25th 1972, as quoted on Jane Fonda's blog:

Be sure to take The Kissinger Quiz here.  See how you score.  Then download it and give it to a friend.

For a fact sheet with vintage Kissinger quotes and more, please click here.

These vintage Kissinger quotes are a flyer in themselves, or selected quotes can be used.

For further information, click here to read about Kissinger's history.

Kissinger's involvement with Nixon in Bangladesh.

Additional Kissinger quotes.

Nixon: “We’ve got to be thinking in terms of an all-out bombing attack [of North Vietnam}…Now, by all-out bombing attack, I am thinking about things that go far beyond…I'm thinking of the dikes, I'm thinking of the railroad, I'm thinking, of course, of the docks."

Kissinger: "I agree with you."

President Nixon: "And I still think we ought to take the dikes out now. Will that drown people?"

Kissinger: "About two hundred thousand people."

President Nixon: "No, no, no…I'd rather use the nuclear bomb. Have you got that, Henry?

Kissinger: "That, I think, would just be too much."

President Nixon: "The nuclear bomb, does that bother you?…I just want to think big, Henry, for Christsakes."


Central Synagogue
652 Lexington Ave. @ 55 St.
New York
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