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Community Events
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Date Title Venue City Type
05.04.2010 - 05.04.2010 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
05.06.2010 - 05.06.2010 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
05.11.2010 - 05.11.2010 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
05.12.2010 - 05.12.2010 Screening of "American Faust" Robin's Bookstore/Moonstone Arts Center Philadelphia Community Events
05.13.2010 - 05.13.2010 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
05.14.2010 - 05.14.2010 Call for Accountability at UC Berkeley Graduation The Greek Theater Berkeley Community Events
05.17.2010 - 05.17.2010 Condi Rice - Torturers Not Welcome in San Jose! Center for Performing Arts San Jose Community Events
05.18.2010 - 05.18.2010 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
05.20.2010 - 05.20.2010 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
05.22.2010 - 05.22.2010 Protest Obama Speech at West Point - - Community Events
05.25.2010 - 05.25.2010 Obama at California Senate 2010 Reception San Francisco Fairmont Hotel San Francisco Community Events
05.25.2010 - 05.25.2010 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
05.27.2010 - 05.27.2010 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
05.27.2010 - 05.27.2010 National Premier of "Drugs and Death in Bagram" Schmitt Academic Center of DePaul Univ. Chicago Community Events
05.28.2010 - 05.28.2010 Vigil in Support of the Newburgh Four Federal Court House White Plains Community Events

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