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Community Events - Archive

Community Events
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Date Title Venue City Type
01.28.2010 - 01.28.2010 Protest Against Bybee Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
02.04.2010 - 02.04.2010 Protest - Demand Impeachment of Judge Bybee Courthouse Pasadena Community Events
02.08.2010 - 02.08.2010 Free Fahad Vigil: No Guantanamos at Home or Abroad! Metropolitan Correctional Center New York Community Events
02.10.2010 - 02.10.2010 Bye Bye, Bybee Film Screening Humanist Hall Oakland Community Events
02.10.2010 - 02.10.2010 Karl Rove Gives a Lecture Arlene Schnitzer Concet Hall Portland Community Events
02.12.2010 - 02.12.2010 American Faust: From Condi to Neo-Condi Revolution Books New York Community Events
02.22.2010 - 02.22.2010 Come Stand Against the Bush Policy Institute! University Park City Hall Dallas Community Events
02.22.2010 - 02.22.2010 Free Fahad Vigil: No Guantanamos at Home or Abroad! Metropolitan Correctional Center New York Community Events
02.23.2010 - 02.23.2010 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
02.25.2010 - 02.25.2010 Public Protest in Portland OR Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
02.25.2010 - 02.25.2010 Karl Rove Comes to UCSB! Join the Protest! Campbell Hall Santa Barbara Community Events
02.26.2010 - 02.26.2010 Karl Rove at Hawaii Republican Dinner Hilton Hotel - Community Events
03.02.2010 - 03.02.2010 Demand Full Accountability for Bush-Era War Crimes Copley Square Boston Community Events
03.04.2010 - 03.04.2010 Public Protest in Portland OR Pioneer Courthouse Portland Community Events
03.06.2010 - 03.06.2010 Anti-War Teach-In: End the Wars and Occupations in Iraq and Afghanistan Judson Memorial Church New York Community Events

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