WCW Home Take Action Videos & Reports of Demonstrations 11-15-11 'Occupy' protesters disrupt Karl Rove at Hopkins
11-15-11 'Occupy' protesters disrupt Karl Rove at Hopkins PDF Print E-mail


From a participant:

In addition to what's covered in the news articles below, there was
a great rally outside with a good 50 or more Hopkins student
members of the JHU Human Rights Working Group and a few older people
who had attended a talk by Viet Nam vet Brian Willson intentionally
scheduled to finish before the Rove event. Participants handed out flyers with
tough questions to ask the war criminal, and chanted a great litany with such as "Liar,
Liar, pants on fire, we don't want your damned empire!" and  "Lies and spin, Fox News
garbage, We won't forget your years of carnage!"

FromThe Baltimore Sun | Original Article

By Steve Kilar

Some protesters were forcibly removed from the auditorium, said spokeswoman Tracey A. Reeves. The protesters were not believed to be Hopkins students, she said.

They were affiliated with the Baltimore offshoot of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Shortly after 10 p.m. the group, which goes by the name Occupy Baltimore, shared via Twitter a six-minute YouTube video of the incident.

In the video, beginning at 1:47, the protesters shout, "Mic check," followed by a call-and-response phrase: "Karl Rove is the architect of occupy Iraq, is the architect of occupy Afghanistan."

"Here's the deal, if you believe in free speech … then you demonstrate it by shutting up and waiting until the Q and A session," Rove responds from the stage. His reply is greeted with clapping and a standing ovation from the crowd.

A few moments later, Rove says, "You can go ahead and stand in line and have the courage to ask any damn question you want or you can continue to show that you are a buffoon."

After they chant "occupy America," Rove counters the protesters by saying, "Who gave you the right to occupy America? Nobody."

Near the end of the approximately four minutes of commotion shown in the video, the protesters begin repeating, "We are the 99 percent."

Rove then begins intoning the response: "No, you're not. No, you're not."

Rove, a former deputy chief of staff and senior adviser to President George W. Bush, was taking part in a symposium series at the university.

From RSN | Original Article

By Ziad Jilani

Karl Rove flips out at protesters: 'Who gave you the right to Occupy America?'

Last night, former Bush official Karl Rove appeared at Johns Hopkins University to speak as a part of the annual Milton S. Eisenhower Symposium. Rove soon discovered that he wasn't going to deliver his right-wing rhetoric unopposed, as a cry of "Mic Check!" rang out among the audience.

"Karl Rove is the architect of Occupy Iraq, the architect of Occupy Afghanistan!" yelled the demonstrators. Occupy Baltimore had infiltrated the crowd and began chanting against Rove. "Who gave you the right to occupy America?" asked Rove to the protesters, apparently unaware of the Bill of Rights. As they repeated their slogan, "We are the 99 percent!" Rove petulantly responded, "No you're not!" He snidely added, "You wanna keep jumping up and yelling that you're the 99 percent? How presumptuous and arrogant can you think are!"

About 15 protesters were asked to leave and some were forcibly removed. No one was arrested.

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