Some 65-70 people came out in New York City on Monday night to protest the horning of senior arch war criminal Henry Kissinger by the New-York Historical Society at a gala held at the luxe Waldorf Astoria Hotel. The Board of Trustees of the N-Y Historical Society is now chaired by Richard Gilder, a wealthy NYC broker and found of the right-wing think tank, The Manhattan Institute. Kissinger developed the plans for millions of war deaths, millions of refugees, millions maimed. He was responsible for the crimes against humanity in VietNam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Chile and many other countries, including Iraq.
We were a very spirited group composed, among others, of older people who were veterans of the movement to end the war in VietNam, a Chilean exile and a young contingent from Occupy Wall Street. We filled both sides of the sidewalk, leaving a path in the middle at the entrance to the ritzy hotel. Some of us stood at the corners and leafletted. We chanted loudly and continually for two hours. An intrepid trio of War Resisters, decked out in a tux and evening wear, went inside and were able to get this program into the hands of dozens of attendees. Outside the swells were loath to take anything from the protesters. Inside, they grabbed away at the "programs" until the three were discovered and escorted out. (Click here to see an example of the creative thinking in this brochure.)
The demonstration was sponsored by World Can’t Wait, War Criminals Watch, East Timor & Indonesia Action Network, CodePink, NYC War Resisters League, Campaign for Peace and Democracy, Brooklyn for Peace and Veterans for Peace NYC Chapter 34.