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# Article Title Hits
1761 4-15-10 Collateral Murder 4675
1762 4-15-10 Goss approved destruction of CIA interrogation tapes 5420
1763 10-4-11 The dangerous allure of Washington hero worship - Petraeus Part 2 8773
1764 4-9--10 Ex Bush Official Willing to Testify Bush, Cheney Knew Gitmo Prisoners Innocent 5922
1765 4-8-10 Looking Back to One Day After the Attack 4352
1766 4-5-10 How Americans are propagndized about Afghanistan 4163
1767 4-5-10 Collateral Murder - WikiLeaks Video 3723
1768 4-5-10 The US takes the matter of 3-headed babies very seriously 4641
1769 3-31-10 Mohamed ElBaradei hits out at west's support for repressive regimes 4255
1770 3-31-10 BAE's perfect match 5259
1771 3-31-10 Obama continuing Bush’s crimes with drone bombing campaign 5626
1772 3-29-10 Made in America: The Gardez Massacre 4313
1773 3-29-10 Share39 Torture Diaries, Drawings and the Special Prosecutor 3861
1774 3-25-10 Spain Allows Case Against Noted Judge 3542
1775 3-27-10 Fordham University: Prettifying C.I.A. Clandestine Operations 3967
1776 3-24-10 .Detainee abused at Guantánamo ordered freed 3688
1777 3-24-10 Destroying Educational Institutions or Using Them For Military Purposes Is A War Crime 5337
1778 3-22-10 Seven Years of War in Iraq: Still Based on Cheney’s Torture and Lies 3923
1779 3-20-10 Iraq Inquiry asks to question George Bush's senior officials 3747
1780 3-19-10 McCain and Lieberman's "Enemy Belligerent" Act Could Set U.S. on Path to Military Dictatorship 4081
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