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# Article Title Hits
1741 5-18-10 On the AZ Immigration Law: Might a Bybee Memo Thwart Holder? 5894
1742 5-16-10 Obama’s Flailing Wars 5137
1743 5-16-10 Civilian Casualties Raise Afghan Ire at U.S. 4225
1744 5-12-10 Rove Rides Again 5262
1745 5-12-10 Pentagon Doubts Grow on McChrystal War Plan 4170
1746 5-11-10 Did You Say $33 Billion? 5075
1747 5-10-10 Condi: The Queen of No Soul 9121
1748 5-6--10 Interrogator Says Guantanamo Detainee Omar Khadr Was Told He'd Likely Be Raped in US 5130
1749 5-5-10 BP’s Oily Political Connections: From the Bush to Obama Era 6957
1750 5-3-10 Secret Erik Prince Tape Exposed 5387
1751 4-30-10 Halliburton May Be Culprit In Oil Rig Explosion 5556
1752 4-29-10 Garzon on Trial 4468
1753 4-29-10 Guantanamo Prisoner Defies Obama Administration's Revival of Kangaroo Proceedings 3748
1754 4-25-10 Fueling the Afghan War 3748
1755 4-24-10 Leverett (MA) Town Meeting Approves Resolution to Welcome Cleared Guantánamo Detainees 3725
1756 4-21-10 Mohamedou Ould Salahi: How a Judge Demolished the US Government’s Al-Qaeda Claims 4328
1757 4-20-10 With Regrets, Judge Allows Indefinite Detention at Guantánamo of a Medic 4384
1758 4-19-10 Guantánamo Habeas Results: Prisoners 34, Government 13 6820
1759 4-19-10 Guantánamo Habeas Week: Exposing Torture, Misconceptions and Government Incompetence 7715
1760 4-16-10 Feds indict ex-Blackwater president 5494
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