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# Article Title Hits
941 4-3-14 The CIA tortured! That's new? No... but the debate over how much we get to know about it is big news. 3306
942 4-1-14 Glaring omissions and unasked questions in “The Unknown Known” 3990
943 3-30-14 Nixon, Kissinger and Bangladesh: Blood on Their Hands 5364
944 3-29-14 A Debate on Torture: Legal Architect of CIA Secret Prisons, Rendition vs. Human Rights Attorney 3688
945 3-20-14 US a No-Show for UN Talks on Covert Drone Wars 3648
946 3-19-14 Exclusive: U.S. Boycotts U.N. Drone Talks 3850
947 3-18-14 Iraq: No Woman is Safe 4917
948 2-25-14 In the Darkness of Dick Cheney 5043
949 2-24-14 New Pentagon Plan: A Few Less Troops, Same Old Empire 3849
950 2-24-14 Calls for U.S. Military Intervention in Syria Re-surfacing 4268
951 2-19-14 The Guantánamo Experiment: A Harrowing Letter by Yemeni Prisoner Emad Hassan 3789
952 2-14-14 Drone victim Kareem Khan released from illegal detention in Pakistan 3244
953 2-11-14 The Essence of the U.S. Drone War = Targeted Assassination Squad Promoting Empire 3211
954 2-10-14 Obama pressured over drone policy amid reports US citizen targeted 3556
955 2-09-14 Obama Drone Campaign "Verges on Genocide" Legal Authority Says 3380
956 2-08-14 In Yemen, questions and anger over U.S. drone targets after civilian deaths 3556
957 1-29-14 The State of the "Union" from the Outside 3754
958 1-28-14 Polish ex-intelligence official says time for truth on CIA jail 4111
959 1-27-14 No Tears for the Real Robert Gates 5797
960 1-25-14 Contrary to Obama's promises, the US military still permits torture 4889
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