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# Article Title Hits
781 4-8-15 U.S. Deports Salvadoran General Accused in ’80s Killings 4207
782 4-7-15 Pakistan court says former CIA station chief will face charges over drone strike 4500
783 4-7-15 CIA Black Sites and Washington’s Allies 3865
784 03-30-15 Yemen Bombed by US–Supported Coalition of Saudi Arabia & Other Monarchies 3698
785 03-30-15 Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq....Stop U.S. War on the World 3553
786 3/23/15 What Would Happen If an 800-Kiloton Nuclear Warhead Detonated above Midtown Manhattan? 483
787 3-22-15 What the Torture Report Missed 3858
788 3-19-15 The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion 3681
789 03-19-2015 The CIA Just Declassified the Document That Supposedly Justified the Iraq Invasion 3307
790 3-17-15 Gen. Petraeus’s Light Punishment 3450
791 3-14-15 Iraq, the Ultimate War Crime: Erasing the History of Mesopotamia. The Destruction of Nineveh 3297
792 3-11-15 Collusion? Where the APA Investigator Should Look 4118
793 3-9-15 The New World Order, A Recipe for War or Peace 4595
794 3-08-15 Washington and ISIS: The Evidence 4157
795 3-3-15 Gen. Petraeus: Too Big to Jail 5099
796 02-27-15 After Scandal, Petraeus Stays Under Radar, but Not Out of the Spotlight 7434
797 2-26-15 UN Reveals 'Credible and Reliable' Evidence of US Military Torture in Afghanistan 4989
798 02-23-15 The FAA's Broadening Regulations: Commercial Drones and the Slippery Slope 4329
799 2-21-15 How the CIA gets away with it: Our democracy is their real enemy 4274
800 2-10-15 The U.S. Media and the 13-Year-Old Yemeni Boy Burned to Death Last Month by a U.S. Drone 4306
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