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# Article Title Hits
681 2-1-16 The 2011 U.S.-NATO War Helped Turn Libya Into Hell on Earth: Now the Imperialists Are Preparing to Wage War Again 3723
682 1-28-16 Indefinite Detention Turned into Targeted Killing? 3211
683 01-17-2016 Playing Games with War Deaths 3716
684 1-11-16 Guatemalan authorities arrest SOA-trained officers for massacres, disappearances 3340
685 1-4-16 How Obama Enables Atrocities 3412
686 12-28-15 Military to Military: Seymour M. Hersh on US intelligence sharing in the Syrian war 3447
687 12-20-15 The 239 Year Timeline Of America’s Involvement in Military Conflict 3930
688 12-3-15 CIA runs shadow war with Afghan militia implicated in civilian killings 4837
689 12-8-15 Oil fuels war and terrorists like Isis. The climate movement can bring peace 3561
690 12-12-15 Journey to torture: Aamer tells of how he went from working for the US army to being savagely abused in an American base under the noses of British intelligence officers 3279
691 12-9-15 Trump Didn't Vote to Kill 1 Million Muslims in Iraq, Hillary Did 3266
692 12-4-15 U.S. First Shields Its Torturers and War Criminals From Prosecution, Now Officially Honors Them 3279
693 12-9-15 Global Warming's Unacknowledged Threat-The Pentagon 3453
694 12-1-15 When Psychologists Deny Guantanamo’s Abuses 3814
695 12-30-15 Why We Should NOT Root for Our Own Rulers... And Why It’s Better If They LOSE Their Wars 3377
696 11-30-15 Why Migration Should Be Central to Paris COP21 Climate Talks 3477
697 11--27-15 Defeating Terrorism - Theirs and Ours 4466
698 11-13-15 More on "Getting Rid" of Guantanamo 3634
699 11-13-15 First photos & message from Shaker Aamer, released from Guantanamo 3252
700 11-10-15 Henry Kissinger’s genocidal legacy: Vietnam, Cambodia and the birth of American militarism 3679
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