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# Article Title Hits
401 5-13-18 Gearing Up for the Third Gulf War 3943
402 5-12-18 #BlockHaspel 3506
403 5-8-17 Trump Welches on the 'Iran Deal.' Why?" 3128
404 5-3-18 In Yemen, a mother's quest to save her baby from starvation 3257
405 5-3-18 Army Special Forces Secretly Help Saudis Combat Threat From Yemen Rebels 3269
406 5-3-18 The CIA’s Big Lie for Gina Haspel 3309
407 4-29-18 First Bomb the Wedding, Then Bomb the Rescue Workers 3570
408 4-25-18 How Many Millions Have Been Killed in America’s Post-9/11 Wars? Part 3: Libya, Syria, Somalia and Yemen 4225
409 4-24-18 Pompeo, Haspel Fit for Trump, not for Humanity 3381
410 4-23-18 Deported to Libya, Ex-Gitmo Detainees Vanish. Will Others Meet a Similar Fate? 3375
411 4-23-18 Former Generals Oppose Trump’s CIA Nominee 3324
412 4-16-18 Trump’s (Premature) Attack on Syria - Who is left to defend the rule of law? 3116
413 4-16-18 Trump’s War Crime is Worse than the One He Accuses Assad of 3360
414 4-16-18 A battle for transparency: putting names and numbers to the US drone war 3102
415 4-14-18 Donald Trump Ordered Syria Strike Based on a Secret Legal Justification Even Congress Can’t See 3545
416 4-4-18 Trump Didn't Come Out of Nowhere 4040
417 4-3-18 How Many People Has the U.S. Killed in its Post-9/11 Wars? Part 2: Afghanistan and Pakistan 3635
418 3-30-18 United States of Denial 3524
419 3-26-18 Expert Q&A: The International Criminal Court’s Afghanistan Probe and the US 3723
420 3-29-18 Trump’s Recycling Program 4261
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