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Waldorf Astoria Hotel - Archive

301 Park Ave.
New York
Date Title Venue City Type
06.01.2011 - 06.01.2011 Bush at Major NYC Corporate Confab Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Speaking Engagements
09.13.2011 - 09.13.2011 Protest Cheney at Rodman & Renshaw Annual Global Investment Conference Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Organizing Events
11.07.2011 - 11.07.2011 Protest Kissinger: He's Back! This Time at the N-Y Historical Society Gala! Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Community Events
03.15.2012 - 03.15.2012 Protest Bush at Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Assn. Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Speaking Engagements
10.18.2012 - 10.18.2012 Obama &l Romney at Al Smith Dinner Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Community Events
11.18.2014 - 11.18.2014 Protest Petraeus at the Waldorf Astoria! Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Community Events
12.08.2015 - 12.08.2015 Condoleezza Rice Receives Medal Waldorf Astoria Hotel New York Speaking Engagements

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