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John Jay College - Archive

445 West 59th Street
New York
Date Title Venue City Type
10.18.2010 - 10.18.2010 "A Question of Torture" Panel John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements
10.19.2010 - 10.19.2010 Screening of "Taxi to the Dark Side" John Jay College New York Community Events
10.21.2010 - 10.21.2010 "Torture and Gender" Panel John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements
10.28.2010 - 10.28.2010 Theater Performance: "Reckoning with Torture" John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements
11.02.2010 - 11.02.2010 "Torture and Ethics" Panel John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements
11.03.2010 - 11.03.2010 Screening "Outside the Law" John Jay College New York Community Events
11.04.2010 - 11.04.2010 Panel: "Torture & the Criminal Justice System/The Institutionalization of Torture" John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements
11.11.2010 - 11.11.2010 Panel: "Torture Experiences Globally & Throughout History" John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements
04.07.2011 - 04.07.2011 Challenging the Masculinity of War: Women Soldiers and Remaking Men John Jay College New York Speaking Engagements

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