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Protest Halliburton in Pittsburgh PA!
11.15.2011 - 11.15.2011 17.15
Community Events


Not only is Halliburton a war profiteer but it's a major player in environmental destruction in the US.

Stop Fracking: Occupy Dug East!

In the spirit of movements across the country against corporate power,
local organizers, activists, and occupiers are calling for an occupation of
the Developing Unconventional Gas conference in Pittsburgh.

5:15 pm - March on the conference, meet at Occupy Pittsburgh/Mellon Green

6:00 pm - People’s Reception and Occupation begins, David Lawrence
Convention Center

On November 15th, Halliburton is hosting a reception for the rest of the
oil and gas industry to kick off the Developing Unconventional Gas
conference.  At 5:15pm, there will be a march from Occupy Pittsburgh to the David
Lawrence Convention Center and kick off the occupation of the conference
with a people’s reception for economic and environmental justice.

The gas industry is poisoning our air and water and hijacking our so-called
democracy. They say they are bringing economic opportunity but all we see
is exploitation. Stand together to resist corporate power.

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