The New-York Historical Society is honoring Henry Kissinger at its History Makers Gala. Tickets start at $1,000 a piece - you can get a table for $50,000.
Kissinger developed the plans for millions of war deaths, millions of refugees, millions maimed. He was responsible for the crimes against humanity in VietNam, Cambodia, Bangladesh, Chile and many other countries, including Iraq.
Call the New York Historical Society and ask Louise Mirrer, President and CEO, to cancel Kissinger – 212-873-3400 – or send a written request – 170 Central Park West, New York NY 10024. Click here for a sample letter.
Read these excellent historical pieces by Fred Branfman and by Jesse Lemisch.
Sponsors: World Can’t Wait, War Criminals Watch, East Timor & Indonesia Action Network, CodePink, NYC War Resisters League, Campaign for Peace and Democracy, Brooklyn for Peace and Veterans for Peace NYC Chapter 34.
For even further information, click here.
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